Dr. Thomas Mengel, APF

Professor of Leadership Studies, Renaissance College (RC), University of New Brunswick, Canada

Thomas Mengel

Thomas Mengel

BIOGRAPHY: Thomas is a professional futurist, a writer, and a scholar of leadership studies. He has been facilitating learning around leadership and project management for over 30 years. His degrees are in theology, adult education and psychology, history, and computer science (minor in business administration).

Before joining academia, Thomas has held project management and leadership positions in Europe and North America. Recently, he is particularly interested in the connections between futures studies and leadership education. As an active member of the International

Leadership Association (ILA), the World Future Society (WFS), the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), and the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Thomas tries to imagine and conceptualize what implications learning about the futures might have on learning about and preparing for leadership processes and positions.

At RC, Thomas has included futures perspectives and futures-oriented learning opportunities into his leadership courses. For example, in addition to imagining what leadership in the future might look like, learners engage in questioning their assumptions about the future and in creating personal and professional alternative scenarios.

Students at Renaissance College

Students at Renaissance College