Paul Syme

Teacher, Horton High School
Adjunct Professor, Acadia University, Wolfville,NS | | @symecreative

Paul Syme

Paul Syme

BIOGRAPHY: Paul Syme resides in Nova Scotia where he is a high school art teacher, an adjunct professor within Acadia University’s School of Education and has recently taught in Cape Breton University’s Department of Education. Paul ignites passion in teachers and youth to develop principles and passions for drive, agency, community, and sustainability. His approach is guided by a creative pedagogy.

Syme, P. (2013). Creative Inquiry through the Laws of Media. Paper presented at Interconnection. Montreal: Canadian Society for Education through Art, 2013.

Syme, P. (2013). Apparitions After the Machine: What we need to know about schooling in the electronic age, Aviso, Halifax: Nova Scotia Teachers Union. Spring 2013.

Bennett, S & Syme, P. (2008). Creating an Effective Website through the Website for Learning Framework. Aviso, Halifax: Nova Scotia Teachers Union. Spring 2008.

Nova Scotia (2007). Advanced Visual Art 11 & 12 curriculum. (Editor)

Syme P. (2006). AVRSB Fine Arts Certificate. Berwick: Annapolis Valley Regional School Board, 2006.

Syme, P. (2005). Art3: Multimedia Art and Design. Jacksonville: Teaching-Point Press, 2005.

Nova Scotia (2005). Visual Art 11 and Visual Art 12 curriculum. (co-author)

Bennett, S & Syme, P. (2004). Bypassing The Pitfalls Along A Digital Highway: A Ten Step Guide To The Fundamentals Of Web Design, Aviso, Halifax: Nova Scotia Teachers Union, Fall 2004.

  • Golden Leaf Award from the Canadian Educational Press Association

Syme, P. (2003). Designing an Art & Technology education for New Times,

Aviso. Halifax: Nova Scotia Teachers Union.

Syme, P. (2003). Places Manipulating the Soul. Paper presented to Nova Scotia Art Teachers Association, Halifax, NS.

Syme, P. (2002). Challenging Authority: Changing paradigms for art education in Nova Scotia. (MA Thesis) Halifax: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 2002.

Syme, P. (2001). The Dividends of Metacognition. Toronto: Adaptive Tutoring Systems, Inc.

Nova Scotia (1998). Design 11 curriculum.

  • Co-wrote the curriculum outcomes and framework.

  • Wrote the Design Foundations, Communication Design, and Design of the Built Environment modules.


Graduate Diploma in Curriculum Studies (2016) Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS

Master of Art in Art Education (2002)

Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, NS

Bachelor of Education, Int./Sen. Program, Art Education and History (1995) University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON

Bachelor of Arts, Honours Fine Art (1994) University of Guelph, Guelph, ON

Select Publications and Presentations

Syme, P. (2019). The Ecology of Creative Pedagogy: Setting the Stage for Transformative Learning. CONTACT 2019, St. John, NB.

Syme, P. (2018). Restoring the human element in education — a creative pedagogy perspective. AVISO Winter 2018 (pp. 10-17). Halifax: Nova Scotia Teachers Union.

Syme, P. (2017). Stop Blaming the Cellphone and Other Lessons from a Pedagogical Focus on Creativity. Creative Connections Conference, Atlantic Centre for Creativity.

Syme, P. (2017). Assembly Lines or Assemblages: What the Human Equation Can Teach Us About Creativity and a Modern Education System in the Digital Age. Special Issue of Knowledge Cultures: Learning, technologies, and time in the age of global neoliberal capitalism (pp. 11-31). Knowledge Cultures 5(2) Doi:10.22381/KC5220178

Syme, P. (2017). Time to Learn with Creativity in Mind. In Blatherwick, M & Cummings, J. Creative Dimensions of Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century (pp. 23-35). Toronto: Sense Publications. Doi:10.1007/978-94-6351-047-9_2

Syme, P. (2017). Towards Creatively Composing Transformative Learning Spaces. E- Learn 2017.

Syme, P. (2016). Seeking a Learning Ecology to Frame a More Creative Pedagogy In The Digital Age. Emergent Art Education, Next Directions in Canadian Research (pp. 105-113). Victoria: Canadian Society for Education through Art.

Bennett, S & Syme, P. (2014). “Probing the Impact of Computer Integration Through The Laws Of Media.” EdMedia, Tampere, Finland, 2014.