jill cummings
University of Toronto, Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning
Associate Dean Faculty Development Yorkville University
https://www.yorkvilleu.ca/ | jcummings@yorkvilleu.ca
Jill Cummings
BIOGRAPHY: Creating effective learning/teaching communities is at the heart of my work. I enjoy working in teacher education and program development/administration, curriculum, teaching, and research for online and face-to-face programs - post secondary, and K-12 contexts.
I was pleased to present research (Cummings & Graham, 2019) re. the Communities of Inquiry (COI) framework and innovations in post secondary education at the Creative Connections Conference 2019.
As Associate Dean Faculty Development, I develop and facilitate faculty courses for orientation and professional development for our professors who teach online and/or on campus. I work with an energetic and innovative faculty who come from the fields of Counselling Psychology, Education, Interior Design, Business, and more!
A special moment was the publication of “Creative Dimensions of Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century” with Mary Blatherwick (UNB). Our curriculum text offers innovative approaches for teaching, learning, and research across disciplines and levels from more than 45 educators. https://brill.com/search?q1=creative+dimensions+of+teaching+and+learning&searchBtn
Contact me at jcummings@yorkvilleu.ca or (506) 328-5151. Let’s continue the conversation!
Some Research Projects and Publications http://www.linkedin.com/in/jill-cummings-ph-d-85180124 Cummings, J., Sturm, M., & Avram, A. (2019). Researching the effects of blended learning in Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC): A demonstration research project. LearnIt2teach and IRCC: Ottawa, Canada. https://learnit2teach.ca/wpnew/
Cummings, J., & Graham, P. (2019). Community of inquiry framework: Innovations that work in online post secondary education. Creative Connections Conference: Fredericton, N.B.
Cummings, J., Sturm, M., & Avram, A. (October 24, 2019). The effects of blended learning in LINC: A webinar for Tutela and LINC/ESL teachers. https://tutela.ca/
Cummings, J. & Graham, P. (in progress). Communities of inquiry approach in online teaching and learning: A literature review with recommendations for design and delivery of effective online programs.
Cummings, J. (May, 2018). Imaginative education, online teaching, Moodle and me. Creative Academic Magazine. http://www.creativeacademic.uk/
Cummings, J. & Blatherwick, M., Eds. (2017). Creative Dimensions of Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century. Netherlands: Brill Sense Publishers. https://brill.com/search?q1=creative+dimensions+of+teaching+and+learning&searchBtn
Cummings, J. (2008). An Activity theory analysis of three instructors’ knowledge for teaching writing in a pre- university English-for-academic purposes course: Teacher mind as mediated action. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Toronto: University of Toronto/OISE.